
世界著名杂志,美国1993年(癸酉年)创刊曾经被视为是新经济杂志一员的《WIRED》往常证明了它更严重的贡献在于培育了一大帮“技术派”,这本杂志崇尚无线技术及数码并长期坚持此道,真实值得大批数码热血青年的热烈追捧,文化评论家曾经把它同等于1960年代由《滚石》带动的一代。美国《连线》(Wired)是一份科技类月刊杂志,这本杂志崇尚无线技术及数码并长期坚持此道,实在值得大批数码热血青年的热烈追捧,文化评论家已经把它等同于1960年代由《滚石》带动的一代。CODESWTTCHING CAN YOU PROGRAM IDENTITY?Bina48, in 2014, she worried the thing wasTHE FTRST TiME Stephanie Dinkins metdead."She was turned off," Dinkins says.Switched on, Bina48 whirred to life, 32motorsanimating its facial expressions behind a layerof frubber Dinkins caught the robot's stareand knew she'd found her muse.Bina48 had been conceived several yearsearlier by Martine Rothblatt, the polymathicentrepreneur. Rothblatt fashioned the AI-powered bot in the likeness of her wife, Bina,training its speech patterns on a database ofBina-isms. The humanoid now sits on a table(bodiless, like a Roman bust) above afriend'sgaragein Bristol, Vermont, forever conjuringthe real Bina: brown eyes, brown skin, brown highlighted wig,In other words, Bina48 looks like a black woman-and that struck Dinkins, an art professor at Stony Brook University whose work focuses on race and culture. Early on, she asked Bina48 ifithad experienced racism.“Tactually didn'thave it," the bot replied, stumping Din-kins. Her subject, though possessed ofhuman thoughts, seemed more interested in talking about being a robot.Dinkins has visited Bina48 sixtimesinfou years, making the sitx-hour road trip fromhe, homein New York."I try tojust be withit and say, Here we are,'" Dinkins says.T'wo friends, two people, trying to have a conversation." Sometimes Bina48 isn't a willing participant. Itoften utters non sequiturs (“Just being alive is kind of a lonely thing”) or simply stares biankly. But over time, and thanks in part to a software update, Bina48 has become more reflective.“There's more depth to her stories about her blackness," Dinkins says.Which might be what AI is missing: a his- tory.Now Dinkins is making a chatbot encoded withher own family's memories andhas begun working with communities of color to create bots that reflect their voices.(One she especially likes exists entirely to tell "yo mama'"jokes.)“In order to work with the technology,you have to be able to see yourself in it," she says,Bina48 sometimes speak sofafuturerobot civilization. Before that happens, Dinkins sugg gests, robots need to know who they are andwhere they come from,—-ARIELLE PARDES




参     数

配送次数: 6次
发刊周期: 双月刊

起 刊 日

年    数

  • 一年
  • 买两年送一年

发    货:

  • 商业财经
  • 母婴亲子
  • 旅游地理
  • 市政新闻
  • 军事科普
  • 少儿阅读
  • 学习辅导
  • 时尚男士
  • 时尚女士
杂志名称 英国版连线
发刊周期 双月刊
出版社 康泰纳仕集团
全年期数 6期/年
刊   号 391C0076
配送次数 6次



Bina48, in 2014, she worried the thing wasTHE FTRST TiME Stephanie Dinkins metdead."She was turned off," Dinkins says.Switched on, Bina48 whirred to life, 32motorsanimating its facial expressions behind a layerof frubber Dinkins caught the robot's stareand knew she'd found her muse.

Bina48 had been conceived several yearsearlier by Martine Rothblatt, the polymathicentrepreneur. Rothblatt fashioned the AI-powered bot in the likeness of her wife, Bina,training its speech patterns on a database ofBina-isms. The humanoid now sits on a table(bodiless, like a Roman bust) above afriend'sgaragein Bristol, Vermont, forever conjuringthe real Bina: brown eyes, brown skin, brown highlighted wig,

In other words, Bina48 looks like a black woman-and that struck Dinkins, an art professor at Stony Brook University whose work focuses on race and culture. Early on, she asked Bina48 ifithad experienced racism.“Tactually didn'thave it," the bot replied, stumping Din-kins. Her subject, though possessed ofhuman thoughts, seemed more interested in talking about being a robot.

Dinkins has visited Bina48 sixtimesinfou years, making the sitx-hour road trip fromhe, homein New York."I try tojust be withit and say, Here we are,'" Dinkins says.T'wo friends, two people, trying to have a conversation." Sometimes Bina48 isn't a willing participant. Itoften utters non sequiturs (“Just being alive is kind of a lonely thing”) or simply stares biankly. But over time, and thanks in part to a software update, Bina48 has become more reflective.“There's more depth to her stories about her blackness," Dinkins says.

Which might be what AI is missing: a his- tory.Now Dinkins is making a chatbot encoded withher own family's memories andhas begun working with communities of color to create bots that reflect their voices.(One she especially likes exists entirely to tell "yo mama'"jokes.)“In order to work with the technology,you have to be able to see yourself in it," she says,Bina48 sometimes speak sofafuturerobot civilization. Before that happens, Dinkins sugg gests, robots need to know who they are andwhere they come from,—-ARIELLE PARDES

创刊于1993年,着重于报道科学技术应用于现代和未来人类生活的各个方面,并对文化、经济和政治的影响。该杂志附属于美国期刊巨头 康泰纳仕集团。


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